"Let nothing be done through selfish ambition or conceit, but in lowliness of mind let each esteem others better than himself."
This verse spoke to me because it is a good reminder that being in Uganda is not about myself, but about others. The second part, I should consider others better than myself, is also very powerful. To me this means I should strive to recognize something about every person I meet or come into contact with to elevate them and consider them above and better than myself. God made each person unique and gifted in some way, such that finding an area where others are better than myself shouldn't be a problem. The problem is constantly reminding myself to do this. When I begin to apply this concept, I am blown away by the admiration and love I begin to feel for the other person. What a gift.
That night, for some reason, I decided to write down the verse in a piece of paper. In the morning, for some reason, I decided to place that piece of paper in my pocket. Later, while driving to one of the sites, I felt the piece of paper in my pocket, and for some reason, I decided to memorize the verse. When I was done, for some reason, I decided to pass the piece of paper to the other people ridding with me in the van. As I passed the paper I jokingly said here is the verse of the day. My friend Bridget was reading the verse and she turned to another friend and said "Alba, this is the same verse you were telling me about this morning." It turns out Alba was also reading Philipians and this very same verse spoke to her. HOW COOL IS THAT? God put the very same verse in our hearts. Obviously God wants us to work on humility.
On the same day, during a late breakfast, I was sharing with Pastor Perry how God put that verse in our hearts. Not surprised he said, "this is the verse of the day." In fact, Pastor Perry was going to speak to us about focusing on others rather than on ourselves. He had handpicked the very same verse God had placed in Alba's, Doug's, and my heart. This reminded me how little we (I) have to do with what God is doing. God is the one driving this ship. All I have to do is be sensitive to his will. God is the one who began softening my heart thru Perry's messages, God is the one who planted a Ugandan seed in my heart, God is the one who made everything else possible for us to be here.
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