Saturday, December 29, 2012

Hippos Outside our Door

We are safe in Uganda. We arrived at 4:30 AM local time and drove North for a long time. We made a few stops. We got to the hotel after 2PM. I hadn't posted much because of traveling and I am fighting a cold. I needed some sleep and decided to take care of that last night.

The hotel is located on the shores of the Nile River.  There are several hippos that hang out near the shores. One team member told me that last night she was walking to a room on the river side when she heard a noise. She turned around and saw a hippo within 10' or so.

I copied this from another site "Few people realize just how dangerous a hippo can be.  They seem like peaceful lumbering bests, grazing peacefully or just floating in water.  But hippos in reality are very dangerous and run surprisingly fast, up to speeds of 25mph!  in Africa, they have claimed thousands of lives.  -- Far more than "fiercer' animals such as lions"

My friend ran to a sliding door and started screaming for someone to open the door. (probably the opposite of what she should have done).  The door was open so she made it to safety.  That's if you call safety standing behind a glass sliding door to protect you from a 4,000-pound animal.

Pic taken through glass sliding door


  1. Jeronimo....
    I am so happy to be able to read your blog while you are in Uganda. Would love to know where you are actually visiting the children. Kerry has let me know about this site. I was in Uganda on a mission trip also and fell in love with the people and the country. My prayers are with you and your on those kids as much as you can!!! God bless you! :)
    Kay Jettmann

    1. Hi again Kay. We visited an orphanage in Jinja, a church in Jinja and a church in Nateete, near Kampala.
