Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Travel Itinerary

Often I am asked how long it will take us to get to Uganda.  The short answer is it will take us roughly 3 days to get there and 2 days to get back.  We were planning on making it back in one day but one of our flights got cancelled.  We'll end up taking the next flight home, which will add a day to the return trip.  Below is the flight itinerary for the trip.  Total miles are about 24,500.


UNITED          12/25 HAWAII to  LA CA We depart at midnight                   
TURKISH       12/26 LA to ISTANBUL We arrive on 12/27                                   
                           We'll spend about 25 hours in Istanbul
TURKISH AIR    28DEC ISTANBUL to ENTEBBE 12/29                  
                           I believe the plane stops in Rwanda




UNITED AIRLINES       1/12 LA CA to HAWAII        
The original flight was canceled.  Unfortunately we’ll spend one night in LA and will take the next flight home on 1/12.

Others have asked where Uganda is located.  My point of reference is Lake Victoria.  Uganda is on the North end of Lake Victoria.  Most people are familiar with Kenya.  Kenya is right next to Uganda.  We are flying to Entebbe, which is located along the shores of Lake Victoria, not far from the capital Kampala.  We'll drive up North from Entebbe for a safari, then we'll head to Jinja and finaly to Kampala.  .      

Once we are in Uganda we'll be working with an orphanage and two churches.  The orphanage is called Siita Nest Mother's Home and it is located in Jinja.  Also in Jinja is a church called Rivers of Life, which was founded by staff that used to work at Siita.  The other church is called Gospel of Life.  This Church is in a slum area near Kampala called Nateete.

Six days left!  Thanks to you all for your support and words of encouragement.  People who have done things like this tell me this will be an experience that will change me forever.  I wasn't looking for change.  I was comfortable living my own life, but my eyes have been opened and now things look diferent.  I hope to continue to share about this journey with friends and family.   


  1. Es una información muy interesante. El viaje es realmente largo, visitando lugares muy exóticos, pero ante todo la misión que los mueve a efectuar esta clase de actividad en ayuda de los niños huérfanos de Uganda Africa, es una actividad muy loable, creo que ustedes tendrán todas las bendiciones del cielo para cumplir con su cometido de ayuda de la mejor forma. Gracias por mantenernos informados, que su misión sea muy exitosa y que Dios los bendiga, esperamos que su ejemplo mueva a otras personas en el mundo para ayudar a los niños huerfanos y desposeidos.
